ボストン・グローブThe Big Pictures; 3月18日のJapan: One Week Later ← 高ピクセル写真ですから、重いです。昨日、自衛隊が被災地で銭湯オープンが報道されてましたが、ここにも無料開放された大船渡温泉(残念ながら男湯)の写真があります。うれしそうです。また、計画停電で暗くなった地区と明るいままの地区の対照が分かる首都圏航空写真もある。
Hell on Earth: I've seen 20 wars... but nothing prepared me for the sight of a town reduced to a morass of splintered wood, jagged concrete and twisted metal where 10,000 have died
Analyse Les Américains dirigent de fait les opérations en Libye et auront du mal à passer la main. Par THOMAS HOFNUNG, LORRAINE MILLOT Washington, de notre correspondante
Ceux qui ont commencé ne sont pas ceux qui dirigent. Et ceux qui dirigent disent qu’ils ne veulent pas diriger… La guerre de Libye a démarré dans un étrange brouillard de commandement. Depuis le début de l’opération «Aube de l’odyssée», ce week-end, le commandement est assuré par....
これもリベ経由で見つけた。昨年12月18日から起こったアラブ世界の(少なくとも報道された)蜂起連鎖をグラフィックにしたもの。ブログSwamp Post のJohn Caelan 作成だそう。なお、各プラカードの色が示す意味はここ。
hat's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and Snakes, an aeroplane and Lenny Bruce is not afraid Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn - world Serves its own needs, dummy serve your own needs. Feed It off an aux speak, grunt, no, strength, ladder Start to clatter with fear fight down height. Wire In a fire, representing seven games, a government For hire and a combat site. Left of west and coming in A hurry with the furies breathing down your neck. Team By team reporters baffled, trumped, tethered cropped Look at that low playing! Fine, then. Uh oh, Overflow, population, common food, but it'll do. Save Yourself, serve yourself. World serves its own needs, Listen to your heart bleed dummy with the rapture and The revered and the right, right. You vitriolic, Patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, feeling pretty Psyched
It's the end of the world as we know it It's the end of the world as we know it It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine
Six o'clock - TV hour. Don't get caught in foreign Towers. Slash and burn, return, listen to yourself Churn. Locking in, uniforming, book burning, blood Letting. Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate Light a candle, light a votive. Step down, step down Watch your heel crush, crushed, uh-oh, this means no Fear cavalier. Renegade steer clear! A tournament, Tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions, Offer me alternatives and I decline
It's the end of the world as we know it (it's time I had some time alone) It's the end of the world as we know it (it's time I had some time alone) It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine (it's time I had some time alone)
I feel fine
The other night I dreamt of knives, continental Drift divide. Mountains sit in a line, Leonard Bernstein. Leonid Brezhnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs. Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom! You Symbiotic, patriotic, slam book neck, right? Right
It's the end of the world as we know it It's the end of the world as we know it It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine (it's time I had some time alone) It's the end of the world as we know it (it's time I had some time alone)
さっき、NHKworlde は原子力保安院は、福島第一原発事故の規模を4から5に上げると発表し た時、理由のひとつはfuel(燃料)の約3パーセントがメルトしたからとジャーナリストは言ってたと記憶する。どうも明確じゃない。米国やフランスでは MELT DAWN がもう起こってる、冷却プールに水はカラと報道含む多くの人に理解されていてパニクッってる。それで今読んだNYTでは日本の対応は遅すぎで的外れでアカンっ てな記事が出てる。よう分からん。メルトダウンって、溶解なのですか?それとも臨界ってやつですか?NYT:Frantic Repairs Go On at Plant as Japan Raises Severity of Crisis ←(猫屋の2チャンネル風味つっこみ:だったらミニニュック落とすとかナントカしてください、、、冗談ですってば。セメントでいいです。)
CNIC News 03/18/11 ←in japanese with english translation : 各原子炉の構造と、今回の事故がどうやって起きえたのかが大きくつかめる。レクチャーしてくれてるのは、福島第一の6号炉設計チームに参加していた田中三彦さん。英語通訳つきなので理解するため2回聞けるし、テクニカル・タームが日本語と英語でどう扱われてるかも分かる。また、日本語の分からない人にもお勧め。なお、リンク先URLが変わってたんですが、直しときました。ただ、今日見つけたヴァージョンは長くて2時間ある。簡単に知りたい人には、スライドだけのPDF版。
拷問が広く行われたアルジェリア独立戦争で、独立派の間で語られていたひどい話を思い出した。“黙っていてもお前は殺される。しゃべってもお前は殺される。だからお前はしゃべらないまま死ね”。これも日常の悪/あるいは戦争の不条理=ばかばかしさの一部だろう。Masters of war はブンカー内部で声をひそめている。
Several thousand supporters of President Hosni Mubarak, including some riding horses and camels and wielding whips, attacked anti-government protesters today as Egypt's upheaval took a dangerous new turn.
In chaotic scenes, the two sides pelted each other with stones, and protesters dragged attackers off their horses.
The turmoil was the first significant violence between supporters of the two camps in more than a week of anti-government protests. It erupted after Mubarak went on national television the night before and rejected demands he step down immediately and said he would serve out the remaining seven months of his term.
In the early afternoon around 3,000 Mubarak supporters break through a human chain of anti-government protesters trying to defend thousands gathered in Tahrir.
Chaos erupted as they tore down banners denouncing the president. Fistfights broke out as they advanced across the massive square in the heart of the capital. The anti-government protesters grabbed Mubarak posters from the hands of the supporters and ripped them.
The two sides began hurling stones and bottles and sticks at each other, chasing each other as the protesters' human chains moved back to try to shield the larger mass of demonstrators at the plaza's centre.
While much of American media has termed the events unfolding in Egypt today as "clashes between pro-government and opposition groups," this is not in fact what's happening on the street. The so-called "pro-government" forces are actually Mubarak's cleverly orchestrated goon squads dressed up as pro-Mubarak demonstrators to attack the protesters in Midan Tahrir, with the Army appearing to be a neutral force. The opposition, largely cognizant of the dirty game being played against it, nevertheless has had little choice but to call for protection against the regime's thugs by the regime itself, ie, the military. And so Mubarak begins to show us just how clever and experienced he truly is. The game is, thus, more or less over.
The threat to the military's control of the Egyptian political system is passing. Millions of demonstrators in the street have not broken the chain of command over which President Mubarak presides. Paradoxically the popular uprising has even ensured that the presidential succession will not only be engineered by the military, but that an officer will succeed Mubarak. The only possible civilian candidate, Gamal Mubarak, has been chased into exile, thereby clearing the path for the new vice president, Gen. Omar Suleiman.
今夜のアラブ語twitter でのジョーク:اثنين محششين بمصر واحد يسأل الثاني اذا انتصرنا عالحكومة وفزنا عليهم حيحصل إيه ؟ رد عليه الثاني : حنلعب مع تونس عالنهائي エジプトでふたりの男がハシシを吸いながら会話してた。一人が「もしも政府に勝ったらどうする?」と聞くともう一人は「もちろん次は対チュニジア決勝戦だよ」と答えた(猫:あはは。このジョークは悪くない)。 Life goes on.