Neil Young: Heart of Gold
9年前にジル・ジャルムッシュが撮ったニール・ヤング(The Year of the Horse)は何故だか見逃したのだったが。これはフィラデルフィア、子羊たちの沈黙(で、いいのかなあ邦題は、)を監督した Jonathan Demme の作品。
My, my, hey, hey. It's something special when Neil Young teams with Oscar-winning director Jonathan Demme not to make a movie of his life but to sing and play the hell out of it on a stage. Demme and cinematographer Ellen Kuras set up eight cameras in Nashville's Ryman Auditorium, where Young and his band did two gigs in August. The first half consists of songs from Prairie Wind, the album Young recorded last year after a brain aneurysm threatened to call him out before he hit sixty. Screw that. With a voice that still stands up to the country-rock throb he coaxes out of his guitar, Young lets his new songs of hard and high living on the Canadian plains bleed into the classics he wrote for Harvest and Harvest Moon. Demme is there to catch every note of bruising beauty. You don't just hear it in the music, you see it etched in Young's face. This is more than a movie, it's a privilege. PETER TRAVERS
以上はRolling Stone の評。見に行かなくちゃ。
ガス・バン・サント/Gus Van Sant が1985年にとった白黒処女作。今年のカンヌで紹介されている。Mala noche とは「悪い夜」の意、興味あり。