A Gaza : "L'odeur dans les rues est insupportable"ガザにて:「街角の臭いは耐え難いものです」
ル・モンド 2009年1月19日停戦の翌日、4人のガザ住人がル・モンド紙に電話で語った。
サルマ・アフメッド/ Salma Ahmed ;ジャバリアのフラン語教師「月曜の朝、状況は極めて静かです。夜眠ることができました。これはすでに進歩です。心理的に楽になった。けれど、けが人やほかの人々のための薬品など、まだまだ足りないものが多すぎます。厚生省で働いている私の父親は、昨日から病院の視察のためにガザ地区中を走り回っています。私にとって一番強いインパクトは街中の臭いです。いくつかの死骸は3週間前から放置されたままで、それは耐え難いものです。
マニュエル・ムッサレム/Manuel Mussalem ;ガザの神父「日曜には、60人の信者を前にして大教会でミサをあげることができました。学校と、ロザリオのシスターたちの宿舎は5発のミサイル攻撃を受けました。学校の校庭にはまだ爆弾がひとつ残っていて、リン/ phosphore が漏れ出しています。恐くてだれも触れません:イスラエル空軍機は今でもパトロールを続けているし、このミサイルの操作には軍事知識が必要です。
ジャマル・エル-ロッジィ/Jamal El-Rozzi;ガザ市のNGO組織医療プログラム責任者「今日(月曜)、情況は変わり、私たちは自由に移動することができます。戦車は町々から撤退しましたが、イスラエル軍用機はたえまなく頭上を飛んでいます。人々はいまでも恐れていて、起こったことを信じられないでいます。
グハダ・ラエエ/Ghada Raee ;ガザ市のWafa 所属ジャーナリスト「被害はとても大きく、みながひどく落ち込んでいます。戦車はオレンジやレモンの木を根こそぎ打ち倒しました。。。いまではオリーヴの木は一本もありません。イスラエル人たちは、ハマスが木の陰からロケット弾を発射するのだと主張します。でも、農民が収入源を失ったのです。ガザの経済資源はきわめて限られているので、みなが悲しんでいます。
こちらはクリップのみ; NYT記事をヘラルド・トリビューンから拾ってきました。
Parsing gains of the war in Gaza
The Israeli theory of what it tried to do here is summed up in a Hebrew phrase heard across Israel and throughout the military in the past weeks:"baal habayit hishtageya," or "the boss has lost it." It evokes the image of a madman who cannot be controlled.
"This phrase means that if our civilians are attacked by you, we are not going to respond in proportion but will use all means we have to cause you such damage that you will think twice in the future," said Giora Eiland, a former national security adviser....
Those who know Hamas in Gaza say this was carefully calculated.
"In previous times, the fighters would confront and throw themselves at Israeli attacks," said one man close to Hamas who declined to be identified further. "It was a kind of suicide. It was love of martyrdom. You go and confront the tanks and many were killed, 80 in a few days."
"This time it was different," he added. "They have more experience and they have training from Syria and Iran. They helped them rethink their strategy. They fired rockets in between the houses and covered the alleys with sheets so they could set the rockets up in five minutes without the planes seeing them. The moment they fired, they escaped, and they are very quick."
An Israeli military official involved in the operations said Hamas had three main goals: harming Israel, ruling in Gaza and extending its rule to the West Bank.
"He understands that he needs to get bloodshed and delegitimize us in the international arena," the official said of Hamas. "So he cynically used people and hit us from within schools and mosques and inside civilian places. If our army wants to hit back, it has to hurt the civilian population."
Still, he and others said, Hamas was a pretty impressive and disciplined force.
"I would say they are very professional, yes absolutely," the operations officer said. "In each city they have a commander and brigades and battalions; they are very organized. They have mostly lost a lot of their simple fighters, but not their top men."
Shlomo Brom, a researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University and a retired brigadier general, said it was wrong to consider Hamas a group of irrational fanatics.
"I have always said that Hamas is a very rational political movement," he said. "When they use suicide bombings, for example, it is done very consciously, based on calculations of the effectiveness of these means. You see, both sides understand the value of calculated madness. That is one reason I don't see an early end to this ongoing war."